Our Mission
Called2Be Women's Ministry is for all ladies young, not-so-young and anywhere in between! Enjoying fellowship together in various environments where we can explore God's desire for women in our friendship groups and beyond.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 NIV
Our Next
St Peter's Church Called2Be is hosting Nancy Goudi from NGM ministries, an inspirational speaker and author.
Saturday 2nd November
10am - 2pm
St Peter's Church
Tickets are £12.00, which includes refreshments & a two course lunch.
Please book your place through the church office -
01252 912761
and let them know of any dietary requirements.
Don't forget to bring a friend, it's going to be a great morning!
Please feel free to get in touch for more information
07921 905 075